
Beer and snaps

Denmark is a real beer heaven and the most famous brand is Carlsberg. All over the world people drinks more than 750,000 cold Carlsberg beers a day. But Denmark has many other excellent beers, many from micro brewerys like Mikkeller and Beer Here, which can be found in pubs, clubs and restaurants all over Copenhagen.


But if you really want to experience the full pleasure of enjoying the traditional Danish lunch buffet "smørrebrød" you must also try snaps. When your Danish host says that now we must "Ta en lille en" (which means "Take a little one") then it is time to drink a dram, or snaps as we say in Denmark. A snaps, means a small glass of spirits, in Denmark mostly aquavit, which usually is served well chilled with your food. Danish aquavit fits well with boiled fish and shellfish but also with salmon, marinated fish and sushi.

It is an old Danish tradition to drink aquavit or snaps. Several thousands of small-scale or even home-based distillers used to make aquavit but today the manufacturing is more or less centralized to a few, large companies, the largest is located in the town of Aalborg.
